Friday, April 29, 2011

What am I?

Can you guess what I am? First I am yellow then I am white. Kids like me, adults don't. You can find me just about everywhere right now!

Do you know???

Lets see if you were right....

I'm a dandelion!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Little Birdie

It appears that a Robin has decided to nest in my lilac bush instead of the Cardinals. I have seen the Cardinal pair around still, so maybe they have nested close by. Either way, it is still pretty neat!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Carpet Face

This is the carpet that I spent my day standing on. The carpet face doesn't look too happy. I am tired, that is all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tree Trimming

My neighbors were having an old tree removed from their back yard today. The tree was so tall it required a crane! The crane took away a piece at a time, after the guy who is in the tree, cut it. That piece was then carefully swung around to the front where a tree chipper was awaiting. Lots of excitement and noise in the neighborhood today!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Gracie!

Happy Birthday Sweet Gracie! Hope your day was wonderful and you received everything you wished for!


Sunday, April 24, 2011


Even though the girls are older now, they still wanted to color eggs for Easter. It's pretty cool that they still enjoy doing these kind of things now that they are older and more mature!  The eggs were awesome! Here's a few eggz-amples...

Lincoln's New Salem

We took a road trip to Petersburg, Il to visit Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site. Lincoln lived in this pioneer village from 1831-1837.

Many of the structures were rebuilt over the original sites back in the early1930's.

The kids have been here many times for school field trips. In fact I was here a "few" years ago for a school field trip, 3rd grade I believe. Lots of interesting history!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Twisted Berry

Just playing around tonight, the strawberries caught my eye. Still need to take that class on lighting!!

Hello Photo-Shop,I am working on learning this too!!
But....oh yeah, I see one! Ha!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Frosty Morning

Is it really Spring? Woke up to frost covering the ground, the cars and even some fog on the way to work! 6:30 a.m. I am outside taking pictures. Oh so pretty!

Bleeding now the frost is starting to melt.
Isn't nature wonderfully amazing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Tonight's dinner...pancakes.  Pancakes are yummy ! Pancakes are fun! Pancakes make me happy! I love pancakes!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Attractions at the Park

The geese are back at the park and this goose has already made her nest.This is the third year in a row that a goose has made it's nest in this flower pot. If it is the same goose, I do not know. The park has tied ropes around her to keep people away, but as you can see, someone has tossed a few goldfish in her "nest". The flower pot is located next to the pavilion, next to the lagoon, next to the sidewalk where everyone walks around the lagoon.  So there she is, right in the middle of it all and she is quite an attraction!

A few other attractions...

And yes, a face or two...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Used Car

I'm gonna miss my Dora the Explorer but it was her time to go, sad but true. Welcome the new used Grand Prix!  I haven't decided her name yet, I don't know her well enough to choose one just yet. But she is pretty and I am awfully excited to have her. I will be even more excited when I fill up the gas tank and not have to spend $60 bucks! It took all day to purchase her, car shopping just stinks when your budget is limited! But I have her now and things are much better in my world!

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Dark Day

Rain, wind, thunder and lightening, Mother Nature knows that all is not well.
You may look nice but I don't trust you.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Liz got her eyes dilated at the eye doctor today. Her eyes have gotten worse in the last year, but just barely. The new contacts already have her seeing better. The huge pupils, wow, quite interesting!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It seems nowadays that things are being purchased just for the purpose of being a prop in a picture.
Thanks for the Ladybug smile Angie! You Rock!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It Was Tasty!

Down by the river is an interesting little restaurant called the Burger Barge where I had dinner with 6 wonderful friends tonight. There you will find ducks and geese hanging out in the parking lot, a skeleton with a bib to greet you on the way in, a giant toucan sitting on a giant perch waiting for you as you enter and finally Santa wearing a straw hat standing next to the stone fireplace. It is small and crowded and a bit dingy, but the service was excellent, the atmosphere was welcoming and the burgers were awesome!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Out in the Yard

The front yard is beginning to share all of it's beauty that has been hiding all winter long. Most are still very small like this Johnny Jump-Up with the little ant, but they are there and they are ready to be seen!
This is what else I discovered today...

I'm not even sure this is a flower, it may just be a weed. But hey, weeds can be pretty too!

There is just a small patch of the Phlox left. The buds remind me of little ice cream cones.

The ferns always remind me of some unknown creature. At first you notice just a few of  those tightly coiled spirals just beginning to poke up out of the ground. And before you know it, they have uncurled and seemingly multiplied, because now those few have turned into a million!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sweet Gracie

I signed up for a 6 week photography workshop and our first assignment was called 50 Points of View. The goal was to take 50 pictures of the same subject but you were the one to move, not the subject. There were also some f-stop requirements and focal length was limited to 50mm. Here are two of my favorites.

Because I had other obligations, we went out at the wrong time of day, when the sun was shining in just the wrong spots! So tomorrow we will have another go at it, later in the day!!

Friday, April 8, 2011


You know when summer is coming when Cranwill's opens up for the season! Delicious chili dogs, tasty onion rings, awesome tenderloins and the best-est root beer in town!  Mmmmmmm, it was so goooooood!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's My Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! What a great day I had, presents first thing in the day, a yummy lunch, lots of birthday wishes! A delicious dinner and an awesome homemade birthday cake and of course some more great presents...Photo Shop Elements. Can't wait to play with that!! Got a beautiful new necklace from my hubby and a pretty neat comic strip drawn by my kid. I even got a coloring book and a new box of 64 crayons! Never too old for a new box of crayons. Friends, family, food and fun! What a great birthday!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No Smiles Today

It was a sad day, things will be different now.

Yes, faces. I see them, do you?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Thing of Beauty

Yes, I am absolutely loving the magnolia tree right now. I am drawn to those white and pink flowers and those fuzzy little pods still hanging on. Oh yes, Spring has sprung!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Cloudy Day

Out and about on this cloudy day and Wow! I am amazed at how gorgeous those clouds were! So many different shades of blue and gray. You just have to appreciate their uniqueness!  This picture does not do them justice but believe me, they were amazing!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Cardinals

Last year we had a pair of cardinals living in our lilac bush. We even had the honor of watching the baby grow up and boy was he a noisy thing! Well I'm not sure if these are the same pair or what but I think it is pretty neat that we have another set hanging in the backyard.
You have to look a little closer to see her in this picture. She is on the left side of the picture, about half way up, above the pink magnolia buds. Neither one are looking in my direction and she does blend in very well.

She has flown away, but he stayed for a few minutes to let me get in a couple more shots.

Love him up against the pink flowers!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lions and Tigers

 A wonderful day at the zoo with the family!

For some reason, Mrs Lion had her paw turned up. She was busy gazing over at the zebras or maybe it was the people...whichever, she never flipped it back over. Mr Lion was snuggled up on the ground, enjoying the sunshine.

Tiger was also enjoying a little sunshine. Such beautiful creatures.