Wednesday, April 25, 2012


2nd Flickr Group-52 Weeks: The 2012 Edition
Topic: Contre-Jour

*Contre-Jour, which translates roughly to 'against daylight', and is also referred to as backlit or backlighting.

My idea was to make a rainbow. Wouldn't that work for "against daylight"? I didn't work though. I think the sun was already too low in the sky, so, no rainbow? But I liked this too.
There is a rainbow out there somewhere and some day I'm going to find it. Never gonna stop looking for those rainbows.

I've Got the Music in Me

Topic: Music

I can't imagine how different life would be if Elizabeth didn't have music. We have attended many band concerts, parades, Solo & Ensemble contests, more band concerts, marching band performances, auditions and more band concerts! It has all been so amazing! I can't wait to see what college brings because she does have the music in her!

Isn't she the sweetest little bear! Grandmother made her stylin' musical outfit.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Jump Frog Jump!

2nd Flickr Group-52 Weeks: The 2012 Edition
Topic: Get Framed

It must be time to weed the weeds...

Another shot of framing. Oh Dolly!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Good Morning, Morning

Topic: Bokeh

 *Bokeh describes the appearance, or "feel," of out-of-focus areas.
I captured this flower first thing this morning with the rising sun. Good Morning, Morning!

Here is one of my favorite bokeh pictures from my 365 Day Project

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bradley Honor Band

Elizabeth, was chosen from her school to participate in the Bradley Honor Band at Bradley University. There were 45 participating schools and around 90 students who were chosen to participate. The program was held in Dingeldine Music Center.

As usual, but she loves me :)

Can you believe that! No pictures! Ha!

Well I snuck one in there but you can't see Elizabeth anyway, so I gave up.
I did get to talk with Dr Vroman, the Bradley Band Director, after the concert. I reminded him how I called him 3 1/2 years ago to ask for information on a Bassoon teacher and he gave me Ed's name. I said look at her now! He didn't remember, but he was excited to see a bassoon player and excited to hear that she would be coming to Bradley in the fall!

The kids had been there rehearsing all day long. She was tired and thirsty and not really in the mood for pictures.

Dingeldine Music Center

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Odds & Ends

My nephew Cody. He's quite the comedian and he's gonna be famous some day.

I am currently trying to figure out how HDR works. I used it for the 2 pictures of the boys.
What do you think??

My nephew's little one, Baby Jimmy. A little more HDR and a few other things. Picasa has some fun new post processing tools. I tried the HDR on this one because it was blurry but I liked his pose. The HDR sharpened it quite a bit.

Sweet Gracie, playing Titanic on her favorite tree!

Elizabeth holding the sun!

Gracie, such a pretty girl.

A pretty sunset, but aren't they always?

A beautiful moon to end a beautiful day!

Friday, April 13, 2012


2nd Flickr Group-52 Weeks: The 2012 Edition
Topic: Advertisement

I had a conversation with someone who told me she only let her kids watch certain things on tv or watch certain movies because of all the "subliminal messages" in them. Her claim is that there were pot plants in the background at the party in Toy Story, the word SEX written in the clouds on Lion King, a phallic symbol represented on the castle in Aladdin, and don't even get her started on Sponge Bob! And what about all those commercials and advertisements that are everywhere??
But who knows what the child sees, if their brains really recognizes those subliminal messages, or even if our brains recognize them? I mean really... take this commercial that's on t.v. right now...Hardees new jalapeno burger, I don't believe there is anything subliminal going on here... oh, wow, she sure likes that burger...oh my, she is really enjoying that burger, so spicy, so hot! Oh wow, I think I need to go get that burger...if that skinny chick eating that giant burger is getting such "pleasure" from that burger, I need that burger too! Surely that has got to be the best burger ever! If I eat that I can be skinny and feel sooooo good! I want that!!! I need that!!!! Lets go now!!!!!!
Nope, no subliminal messages in that commercial.

But I did put one in my advertisement. Let's see if you're brain will let you recognize it??

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pink and Purple

Topic: Pink or Purple

Pink ladies...that is what they look like to me.

Topic: Pink or Purple
Pink ladies and Purple Gnomes! 
Many moons ago, Uncle Tim got me a book on Gnomes that was full of pictures and all kinds of tidbits. Did you know there are different types of gnomes from different areas of the world?  Yes there is! And then the trolls, ugly creatures that like to eat Gnomes. I still have that book, might just need to grab it off the bookshelf and have another look.


Extra pink! I didn't take this picture, Tori did. The girls took a senior trip over Spring Break and took lots of pictures. I liked this one, just thought I'd share.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Tunnel

2nd Flickr Group-52 Weeks: The 2012 Edition
Topic: Vanishing Point
The light at the end of the tunnel.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Branching Out

Topic: Minimalistic

I'm not sure I completely represented the topic, but again it seems to be one that is open to interpretation. I kept wanting to crop it closer so I could show the detail in the leaves but that wasn't the purpose of the topic.
*Minimalism as Less Objects: When the number of recognizable and perceivable elements in a picture is minimal

I do however, spy a cute little "deer" face in there. Can't help it, they just appear! :)

Here is another one I took for the topic.

and another.

And one that would certainly not qualify but I sure like it!