The Barge Arrives |
On my way home from work I drive past several bodies of water, the river and a few lakes. I happened to notice the calm of the water and all the reflections that were in the water. I like reflections, so I headed on down to the river, only to discover that the road was closed due to flooding. Well...lets try the other road. It was blocked off too, but there were places to park and I walked on down to the landing. And what do I see??!! a Barge!! such an attraction! As it heads slowly past me, I take the time to shoot some of the reflections I am seeing in the water. No need to hurry, just enjoying the surroundings.
Reflections |
This little tree is so nicely sharing it's reflection along with the boat ramp and the light pole over here on the left. Pretty cool, only wishing that the sun was out to brighten this all up instead of the rain that was just moments away. Now if you notice in the background, something is beginning to happen. See the ripples in the water? The Barge is making it's way past me and sending those waves right towards me! And they are heading right for my calm still water and all the reflections that are within!! Hey Barge! what's up with that!!!
Bye, Bye Barge |
So you have won this round Barge. You have messed up my reflections and there is no time to wait, the rain is on it's way. You slowly passed me by without any acknowledgment of me and my feelings at all. But I will return another day, Barge, and I will again get to see the water so still and calm. Reflections will be mine!!
Bad Barge! :) Thanks for sharing...I know that bribge, water and maybe even that barge! lol I have taken some sunset shots from where you were standing...YEAH!