Elizabeth's Happy Thumb |
Our Saturday started at 6:00 a.m. Showered and dressed and Liz headed off to school to be at the bus by 7:30 a.m. Today was Solo & Ensemble and Liz had two performances, one at 8:50 a.m.(Clarinet) and one at 12:40 p.m.(Bassoon). Quite a long time between performances, but they didn't ask us for our opinion. Her first performance was wonderful, of course, the judge even said nice job to her on the way out the door. Then off to Denny's to kill a little time and have a little breakfast.
Yum!! pancakes for me!! Love'em!!! Her second performance was wonderful too, but she was just a little "out of the zone"by that time. I could see it on her face, she knew where she flubbed, but it sounded great to us! She scored a 2 for her 1st piece, missed a 1 by 2 points, but she was ok with that. We do not yet know what she got on her 2nd piece because we had to run home and get ready for the
VolleyBall game. They had a double header today. They lost 1-3 on the first game and won 3-0 on the second. They were nail biters as my mother says!!!
Quite a busy day for my kid and what a day for a mom who is so darn proud of that kid! Thumbs up Elizabeth, you rock!!!!!
In case anyone was wondering, she scored a one on her Bassoon solo. The judge wrote that she was gifted!! Of course, I knew that :)